Rashada Webster
March 2024
UNC REX Healthcare
United States




Rashada, we cannot thank you enough. You deserve the world!
I never once felt ignored in Reshada’s care. The moment she introduced herself the first night, I knew she would be a great fit for us. We laughed a lot. She swooned over our daughter, elating our feelings as second-time parents. She was truly a joy. Despite some setbacks for M, her attentiveness, compassion, and listening ears were all a godsend. She helped ease my nerves during the waiting period. I felt cared for like a friend and not just a patient in the hospital. She is a breath of fresh air.

When I had to be without my husband overnight, she offered guidance and a full 2.5-hour stretch of sleep for me while watching our daughter. Her care was done so with the most genuine nature possible. You can tell she is passionate about her couplets and takes pride in her nursing care. She was a complete package for me. She will never be forgotten. My needs were met. I felt entirely respected, and she felt like she was a part of “my” team. Rashada, we cannot thank you enough. You deserve the world!