Rebecca Brooks
August 2023
Cardiovascular ICU, 8 Cooley B
CHI Baylor St. Luke's Medical Center
United States




Becca's kindness and happiness never faltered
My 81-year-old mother had a horrible reaction to the anesthesia drugs during her bypass surgery. Upon waking, she was convinced that she had been kidnapped. She screamed all night long, and she tried to pull out her chest tubes. It was so bad that very early in the morning, her nurse called my dad and said we should come to the hospital now. Don't wait for visitation, just come now.

The recovery ICU thought it best to move her to the 8th-floor ICU, where we could stay with her 24/7. Becca greeted us on the 8th floor and said she would be Mom's nurse. Her joy and care were contagious!

To say my mother was horrible to her is an understatement. She was still convinced that the nurses were evil, and she begged me not to stay so they couldn't get me, too. Becca remained calm and friendly and talked with Mom all day, but to no avail, my mom was awful to her. However, Becca's kindness and happiness never faltered, no matter what my mom said to her. She said sweet and loving goodbyes during the shift change.

On Mom's 4th morning, Becca came bounding into the room and said she had requested to be with us! By this time, Mom was in her right mind and tried to apologize, but Becca would hear none of it. She insisted they were old friends, and she treated Mom with outstanding care and brought so much happiness to our room that entire day.

Here's the kicker-- we were feeling frustrated because Mom was very ready to move to the next step-down floor, but there were no beds available. At 6:00 that evening, Becca came to the door and said, "Grab your belongings...I fought for a room for you, and I won!" It was the greatest news! She walked us down to Mom's new room and she made sure we were settled and introduced to our new nurses. We really would not have gotten that room if not for Becca! And the next morning, guess who came to visit? That's right, our angel Becca. She was bringing down another patient but made sure to come by and give Mom a hug before returning to the 8th floor.

I'll be honest: all our nurses at Baylor St. Luke's were outstanding; we are so thankful. But Becca stands out because Mom was a very difficult patient for a while, and Becca rose to the challenge with so much love and respect that it actually sped up Mom's recovery. She went well above and beyond her nursing duties, and we are forever grateful.