Rebecca Graf
April 2021
Surgical Associates
UPMC Magee-Womens Hospital




Today, I am recovering, cancer-free and stronger physically and emotionally because of Becky.
I am 57 years old. For the past 20 years, I have been getting my annual mammograms at another facility. My mammogram was suspicious and indicated that I needed a biopsy. I was diagnosed with stage one invasive breast cancer. I quickly researched the best breast Cancer Center, contacted UPMC, and was recommended to Doctor J's office for breast surgery. That is where my story and long journey with Rebecca Graf AKA Becky begins. Becky is Doctor J's nurse, he refers to her as his right-hand person.
I met with Doctor J to discuss surgical options; I had the choice between a lumpectomy and a mastectomy. When he left the room, Becky was there to pick up my emotional pieces and to help me process my options he presented. I had so many questions and she answered them all with compassion and competence but honestly, I wasn't fully processing what was being said. That was probably the reason she handed me a binder with contact information for everyone in the practice with business cards including hers. Becky said call me anytime. I called her the very next day and probably every day for at least five straight days with questions. Sometimes she was in the office and picked up the call directly and other times she called me back in the evening after hours and would say, "I just finished up with patients or surgeries for the day." I never waited more than a few hours for a callback, which is extraordinary these days where our health care professionals are so overworked. She connected with me on a personal basis, she knew how important data was to me and she was clearly a breast cancer clinical expert. She ran questions by Doctor J, and I relied on her for advice and counsel. I know she isn't a trained social worker, but she knew exactly what to say and demonstrated genuine kindness. I keep a notebook of all my appointments and conversations, and she was the main character throughout my five-month journey.
She would say things like, "You are strong, you are healthy, and your prognosis is excellent." "This is your body and your decisions you have to be comfortable with and what you decide." And "don't worry what other people say or think." What she said that really stuck with me the most was listen to your gut and your heart. Basically, she empowered me and helped me muster confidence along the way she embraced me being an inactive informed patient.
Fast forward. Doctor J performed a lumpectomy, another lumpectomy, and a bilateral nipple preserving mastectomy. The one person who was constant for me being my superhero was Becky. I am not exaggerating to say that I probably talked to her at least 25 times from that first appointment through the mastectomy; she was more than a nurse, she was my rock and go-to person in a very difficult time in my life. I will be forever thankful for her.
Today, I am recovering, cancer-free and stronger physically and emotionally because of her. I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't her first nomination; she is clearly a role model for others in the nursing profession and at UPMC.
Doctor J said something funny at my final post-op appointment, "I don't want to see you again." It does make me sad that I won't see Becky anymore I am hopeful that in my follow-up care at UPMC that I will run into another Becky. But my sense is she is one of a kind!
You see in my eyes, if you look in the dictionary next to the word nurse, you should see Becky's picture. That would be enough to describe what a nurse is and should be. Becky is kind, compassionate, smart, soft-spoken, and treats every person, not just patients as if they are family. No matter what she has going on in her personal life, and believe me, it's more than some people could bear, Becky never misses work or lets it affect her patient care. Becky is a true professional. She works like a well-oiled machine alongside Doctor J, she assists her fellow nurses and any other member of our Department or any other Department who needs it. There is not one person who could find one negative thing to say about Becky, well except her choice of her favorite college football team!
Lastly, in this crazy time of covid for a patient to go through cancer, three surgeries, and still take the time to write her letter because Becky was her superhero, does anything else need to be said?