February 2023
Seattle Children's Hospital
United States




Rebecca helped me plan a 2-month anniversary party so that I would not feel depressed about how long my hospital stay has been.
Rebecca was an absolutely exceptional nurse that I am so thankful to have met during my stay in the medical unit. When my mom and I had concerns about the care I was receiving, Rebecca advocated for me and made sure that we were heard. We felt that I was not receiving all the care that I should be and that some of the restrictions I had did not make sense for my diagnosis. Rebecca spoke with my medical team and was able to set up a care conference with everyone so that our concerns could be met. Also, when I was in a lot of pain and the doctors wanted to space my medications out 12 hours, Rebecca talked with the team about giving me a one-time dose since no one had talked to me or my mom about this change. During rounds, she also would bring up this fact and tried to advocate for better pain management. When my mom was worried while at work, she would call Rebecca and Rebecca would always explain my medications and plan of care so that we understood what was happening.

Not only that, but I also grew a close friendship with Rebecca during her time as my nurse. Being here for two months has been hard, especially with my mom working full-time. When I was feeling lonely Rebecca would hang out with me and tell me stories about her personal life. She even went through some of my old MRIs and explained them to me since no one had ever shown me the results from those scans. She also helped me keep myself busy by coming up with crafts and other activities I could do to pass the time. When I was about to reach two months in the hospital, Rebecca helped me plan a 2-month anniversary party so that I would not feel depressed about how long my hospital stay has been. She even surprised me with a poster that she had made herself so that I could "celebrate". I truly believe that Rebecca is an amazing nurse and I wish I could hang out with her every day.