Rebecca Sherwood
April 2021
Boone Hospital Center




Rebecca was almost like having a trusted family member caring for my father.
Recently, my father passed away after being in ICU at Boone Hospital Center for almost a month. During that time, we were fortunate to have many extraordinary nurses provide care for him. However, for three days during that long stint, my father was blessed to have ICU nurse Rebecca provide exemplary, caring, and compassionate care. Rebecca remembered my father and me from a previous stay in the ICU. It was as though she picked up right where she left off. It was almost like having a trusted family member caring for my father. All of Rebecca's interactions with my father and me were accompanied by patience (especially because I asked a hundred questions), compassion (though my father was mostly unresponsive, she spoke to him like he was wide awake), and caring (she demonstrated care through touch and tone). Whenever I felt the need to hit the call button, Rebecca came right in immediately and never showed that it bothered her. When my father was intubated and other nurses had restrained him, Rebecca thought outside of the box and found large gloves (boxing-like) to put on his hands so that he could move his limbs without risking that he would pull out the tube. When it was time to change shifts, Rebecca took extra time to fully explain what had occurred during her time with my father to the next nurse to provide care. Rebecca was the next to last ICU nurse our family worked with prior to being moved to palliative care when we were told that my father only had 2 to 3 days to live. She comforted me when I received this news from the intensivist. Though the outcome of my father's situation was not what I had prayed for, I am glad that God answered our prayers for extraordinary, exemplary care through Rebecca. My prayers are with Rebecca and all of the amazing nurses in the ICU. Now more than ever. May God continue to bless and protect all of you.