Reba Westphal
September 2021
Labor and Delivery
Aurora West Allis Medical Center
New Berlin
United States




Reba coached me through contractions with empowering ease. She was the person I listened to for cues and reassurance.
I’m not sure where to begin to show my gratitude and appreciation for Nurse Reba in L&D. I was admitted after my water broke at 32.4 weeks. Reba was my night nurse for a few nights in a row. She was always so kind and diligent at the night visits. I wanted to request her for my induction only to find out she had already asked. Reba was the nurse to check me when I was finally 10 cm. Delivery was such a surreal moment with only Reba, the doctor, and my husband for the majority of it. Reba coached me through contractions with empowering ease. She was the person I listened to for cues and reassurance. It was the perfect moment.

After delivery, my placenta didn’t want to deliver. Reba was calm, worked seamlessly with the doctor, and didn’t leave my side. I asked her to explain to my husband that I was headed to the OR as I was bleeding a lot. I knew she was in the OR with me. She was calm, in control, and did her job meticulously. I struggled with anesthesia and was panicking. She didn’t leave my side. My husband told me she never took a break and refused to leave my bedside. She was a rock. I am forever grateful to her and cannot imagine a nurse more deserving of an award than Nurse Reba.