Rebekah Wellman
April 2019
Special Care Nursery
DMC - Harper University/Hutzel Women's Hospital
United States




Whitney Lambert is a nurse in the Special Care Nursery who started Facebook requests for Cuddler volunteers and rock and plays. Whitney is very dedicated to our NAS babies and has a special connection with not only the babies but their parents as well.
Rebekah Wellman is a new nurse going through orientation in the NICU. As part of her orientation, she has spent 6 weeks in the Special Care Nursery where we care for babies with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (withdrawal babies). Rebekah recognized the need for more volunteers to help cuddle these babies to help their withdrawal phase to hopefully decrease their length of stay. As a result, she shared a post on social media from Whitney asking for volunteers and exposing our new Cuddler Program. I received over 50 inquires as a result of this and forwarded them all onto our volunteer services coordinator. Most recently we learned that Children's Hospital wanted to become an expert in care for these infants and the nurses at Hutzel wanted to fight to keep them here because of the bond they have with these special babies. Rebekah, again, went out of her way and shared Whitney's post on social media asking for donations for rock and plays and swings which help soothe these babies while going through withdrawal when there is not a Cuddler or nurse available to help console them.
Between Whitney and Rebekah, we were able to get donations in the double digits of equipment to help elevate the care we give to babies in such a vulnerable state. I have met them in the parking garage to collect and bring in these rock and plays and they are both just so happy that they can involve previous patients who had babies in SCN, members of the community who want to be a part of a solution, and inspire others to lend a helping hand. They both deserve recognition for going above and beyond the call of duty to keep babies in Hutzel and provide the expert care that means the most!