Remy Diamsay Lynch
July 2024
Diamsay Lynch
Hospice of the Central Coast
Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula
United States




He appreciated the dignity she afforded him, patiently answering his questions in easy-to-understand layman’s terms. He trusted her guidance implicitly. 
On behalf of myself and my dear friend, who recently passed away, having been under the care of Hospice of the Central Coast, it is my honor to nominate Remy Diamsay Lynch. Remy served as lead nurse for the duration of his illness. Her guidance, professionalism, dependability and infectious good humor contributed greatly to making his final year comfortable, safe and filled with friendship and joy.

As his illness progressed, he became increasingly anxious and often forgetful. Remy was his North Star, and her presence was always guaranteed to act as a soothing balm for his restless spirit and bring smiles that lasted long after her visit concluded. Often, he had difficulty recalling a person’s name or the purpose of their visit, but not his dear Remy. Her humility, generous spirit, and unselfish patience were uniquely suited, matching his needs. He appreciated the dignity she afforded him, patiently answering his questions in easy-to-understand layman’s terms. He trusted her guidance implicitly. 

I believe all nurses answer to a special calling, but sometimes, not all nurses can be special to every patient. We believe Remy personified the very best traditions in the nursing profession as well as that unique spark that makes this most honorable profession deserving of every word of praise we can offer. His fate had already been determined the day he signed himself into Hospice. But fate has a funny way of sometimes saving the best times and surprises for last. His time with Hospice, under the tender care of his entire team led by Remy, was defined by laughter, new friendships, sharing, and the sheer wonder of living his best life until the end.