Richilda Joy Plenos
October 2020
Richilda Joy
Maternity ER
King Saud Medical City, Riyadh




Nurse Richilda never misses an opportunity to empathize and sympathize with the patients in any kind of case. She never fails to amaze us with her positive outlook on life.
Not just anyone can be a health care provider. It takes an individual with strength and endurance. A health care provider must have the heart and compassion to help others and pull all the necessary skills together.
For almost 5 years of stay as a nurse in ER Maternity, I have seen how my colleagues bring passion and a kind heart toward their patients. Richilda Joy Plenos has been truly amazing in many ways. She is very professional in dealing with and handling situations in the area. She is the kindest and I can say the most exuberant and vibrant CN in the area. She is working in KSMC for almost 10 years, and since I came to ER Maternity she was my preceptor and my mentor as well. She taught me the best way to deal with different patients of various nationalities, religions, and races. I admire how her attitude toward her colleagues and patients, and how optimistic she is in many ways.
One scenario that made an impact on me and still now I can vividly remember when nurse Richilda Joy really helped one colleague in the labor room who was alone in the room and shouting staff for help. She went to the labor room to ask permission to borrow one CTG machine when accidentally she heard someone asking for help and she noticed no one is with the staff and the patient was about to deliver. Without any hesitation, she immediately went inside and assisted the staff and handled the newborn. And while doing the routine newborn care, upon her assessment she noticed that the baby was premature, not crying with bluish discoloration on the lower extremities she immediately informed the Pediatrician on call and initiated newborn nursing care for premature deliveries. In a few minutes baby cried, with her initial basic life support, she saved a life of a little one.
There was one morning that I clearly remember when Nurse Richilda Joy really helped a patient who was in trouble laboring, she was on break but because she heard that someone was shouting and we short-staffed number due to the pandemic, she never hesitated to come and leave her food just to help, even though we can see and we knew that she was already tired.
There was an incident when one patient came into our area, terminally ill with ovarian cancer stage 4, the patient needed palliative care. The patient needed admission but due to financial issues, was not eligible, they refused admission and signed DNR. Nurse Richilda comforted the patient and relatives giving them empathy, placed on safely, and provided privacy. She provided morning care and hygiene care to the patient. She never misses an opportunity to empathize and sympathize with the patients in any kind of case. She never fails to amaze us with her positive outlook on life.
We had a patient come in the ER with a chief complaint of dizziness and blurring of vision and upon assessment, Nurse Richilda immediately placed the patient in bed. The patient was not assigned to her but when she took the patient's vital signs she noticed that the patient was having a seizure and suddenly lost her consciousness and checked pulse and breathing when she noticed that no pulse and breathing, she immediately informed someone to call for code blue and informed anesthesia on duty. Immediately she started CPR and administered oxygen inhalation via a face mask at 6L per minute. Code blue team arrived, doctors arrived and informed MICU and transferred to MICU immediately. The patient's consciousness revived. She is an asset to staff for maternity because she saved valuable life.
Nurse Richilda Joy is a model in terms of everything. She is really a person every nurse must admire and follow. Her dedication and passion are really superior.