Robert Greenberg
August 2022
Primary Care Clinic
Southern AZ VA Health Care System
United States




Nurse Greenberg had simply my interest at heart, he knew what had to be done, and he took the proverbial ball and ran with it.
I’d like to tell you about a very fine nurse who works on the Saguaro Team. When I left the Florida VA, I thought that my appointments with Dermatology were completed. The only paperwork I had from there when I checked into the SAVAHCS was a short doctor’s statement. Shortly after waiting in the lobby of the Saguaro Clinic, I met Robert Greenberg. He was very nice, and I was immediately impressed how focused and interested he was in that paper I showed him. He asked me if he could make a copy of it. I told him that he could have it.
Within two weeks, I received a letter, way out in an RV court in St. David, for an appointment with Dermatology Clinic. It occurred to me that this was made possible entirely through the singular effort of Nurse Greenberg. He had managed to patch it together from the scant information on that doctor's statement without even knowing my last four or full name.
Nurse Greenberg had simply my interest at heart, he knew what had to be done, and he took the proverbial ball and ran with it. The buck was not passed, rather red tape was cut. Bravo Mr. Greenberg!