Ronald Balisi
November 2023
Perioperative Services
Sutter Health Mills Peninsula Medical Center
United States




It was a very early morning check-in but from the first moment, Ron made us feel safe, cared for, and like my daughter was his only patient.
Ron was the first nurse we engaged with the morning of our daughter's GAV surgery. It was a very early morning check-in but from the first moment, Ron made us feel safe, cared for, and like my daughter was his only patient. One of the first things he noticed was that the wristband placed on my daughter during registration had her sex marked as “M”. He asked her if she wanted him to change it. The relief on my daughter's face was evident. He then proceeded to do his normal pre-surgery routine/checklist. He left and returned several times and I waited to see if he would follow through with his promise to change the sex on the wristband or if I would need to remind him.

About halfway through he came back with a new wristband for her and put it on. To many people, this might seem small, routine, and insignificant but to me and my daughter, it was priceless. It set the tone for our entire stay at Mills-Peninsula Hospital. Every staff member we have met since our first exchange with Ron has been compared to the standard he set. I am so happy that each person we have interacted with has maintained compassion, attention to detail, and dedication to the community.

Ron demonstrated the Sutter Health core values of Compassion & Caring, Excellence & Quality, Community, and Honesty & Integrity. Because of Ron, I knew my daughter would be cared for with the dignity and respect she and all humans deserve. There were many other small things Ron did throughout our short time with him that continued to instill in me trust in the people of Sutter Health. Thank you, Ron, for your caring and compassion at 6 am.