Ruth Dow
April 2022
Grant 5 Medical Surgical
Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
United States




Ruth found out the patient liked Governor’s Restaurant. Ruth took it upon herself to order Governor's to be delivered to the patient. She ordered her a scallop dinner and a big piece of chocolate cake for dessert.
Ruth has been a charge nurse for over 20 years. She is an excellent resource to the staff, always willing to educate, and is an amazing advocate for the patients, family members, and her peers. I have witnessed Ruth show several caring behaviors. One example is there was a length of stay patient that had been here many months. Ruth would often round on her and "check-in". The patient had been very discouraged as we found placement but then COVID quarantines delayed her discharge. Through general conversation, Ruth found out the patient liked Governor’s Restaurant. Ruth took it upon herself to order Governor's to be delivered to the patient. She ordered her a scallop dinner and a big piece of chocolate cake for dessert. The little act of kindness went a LONG way. Another example of caring and empathy was when Grant 5 did a weight loss challenge. Lots of staff participated. The staff member who lost the most weight would win the money everyone donated to participate. Ruth won! She donated all of the money (over $200) to the annex so we could buy them games, crafts, and movies. Ruth always is honest and provides ethical care for the patients. There are many difficult patients on the floor, some behaviorally challenged. One patient is constantly yelling at staff and is extremely difficult to care for. She often can't control her behaviors. As challenging as it is to stand in a room and be yelled at, Ruth took the time at the end of her shift to wash this patient head to toe per the patient's request. Ruth wasn't assigned to this patient but knew how important it was to get her cleaned. Ruth stated, "She may be difficult, but she has the right to a bath". She is a role model when it comes to performing ethical and moral care for patients. Ruth is our charge nurse, therefore always in charge of the bed flow on the floor. Ruth is constantly assessing which patients need to be in private rooms or which patients need to be moved due to roommate issues, noise, etc. She often is the one moving the patient, their bed, and belongings herself. When Ruth helps with a bath or care of the patient, I've seen her grab gowns, blankets, and sheets to cover up patients that may be exposed without realizing. Ruth incorporates patient values and beliefs always. She is respectful of patients' cultures, religions, and health care beliefs. We have a patient that is very sick on the floor, with religious beliefs that prevent full medical treatment for her condition. While this may be hard to watch, Ruth is always respectful in speaking with the patient and her family. She advocates for the care they wish to receive. Ruth is one of the most selfless people I have ever known. When she is scheduled, I know that the patients and staff are in great hands. She demonstrates every characteristic a nurse should have. She is compassionate, gentle, caring, kind, honest, respectful, and fair. She is a rock to this unit. Many of the RNs call her "mama" because of the outstanding support she provides. She has come in at 0300 many times to help relieve the burdens of some night shift staffing problems. She makes patients feel cared for, whether it’s ordering their favorite meal for them, sitting and chatting with them, or bathing them from head to toe at the end of her shift when the patient wasn't "assigned" to her. She is an angel, truly, heaven-sent, and I am so proud to have her on our unit.