Ruth Stanshine
January 2021
Medical Oncology
Fox Chase Cancer Center




You can feel Ruth's passion and "virtual" hugs as soon as she enters the room.
Have you ever met someone and knew instantly that they were giving you their 100%? It is hard to come by someone who is so genuine and compassionate, but after just a few minutes of being in Ruth's care, I knew that I was going to be given patience, comfort, and the encouragement I needed to get through it all. It is more than obvious this is not just a job to her. You can feel Ruth's passion and "virtual" hugs as soon as she enters the room. At 79 I was thrown back by the news of my illness and that my new source of nourishment would need to be given through a feeding tube. Ruth gave me the confidence I needed to take care of my feeding independently. I felt like I had climbed a mountain. Ruth is a true DAISY Nurse.