Ruth Wildman
September 2020
Integrated Surgery
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust




Ruth has provided me with that solid compassion, support, empathy, humour, and is the sole person that I feel I don't have to lie to.
For seven months I have had weekly and sometimes twice weekly appointments for my wound following a bilateral mastectomy for breast cancer. As I am from New Zealand and also had not long moved to Northampton I don't have an established support network of family and friends.
As I have taken so long to heal and then had to shield due to COVID, my sense of isolation and lack of support was significant. None of my family has been able to come over nor have I been able to go home. Ruth has provided me with that solid compassion, support, empathy, humour, and is the sole person that I feel I don't have to lie to. It's ok to say I feel really rubbish and distressed. Ruth has supported me as much emotionally as she has physically and I really can't express how much gratitude I feel for her kindness, support, and humour through the worst period of my life. The fact that I know I can ring and get advice or my wound checked with Ruth never makes me feel 'needy' or that I am a bother gives me a sense of security.