Ryan Whitesell
February 2021
Intensive Care Unit
Riverside Healthcare




Ryan was present - you could tell he was sincere and that he genuinely cared about our family.
My dad was a patient in ICU after coming to the ED with very low blood pressure. All the staff in the unit treated us well and took excellent care of my dad. But my nurse stood out over and above all others. My dad was having trouble breathing and they asked if he wanted a breathing tube which he did. That was the last time he was conscious and able to speak to his family.
Ryan was my dad's nurse for two days. He was very kind and wanted to explain everything to us in great detail. He provided updates and the manner in which he spoke to us was very soothing. He would go in the room and just sit with my mom and talk about whatever she wanted to talk about. He checked on my mom often asking if she needed anything. Ryan was present - you could tell he was sincere and that he genuinely cared about our family.
When it came time to take my dad of the vent, it was Ryan who once again calmly walked us through what would happen and he said "you just tell me when you are ready". Then he sat with my mom again, at one point he even said "thank you for sharing your stories about your husband with me". I wish I would have had the chance to know him before all of this happened. That statement just touched me because again he was present and genuine and kind as if my dad was his own family member and his only patient.
Again, the entire team was fabulous but Ryan really went above and beyond during this very difficult time and I will not forget this. Thank you, Ryan.