Sabine Dukes
March 2022
Augusta Health
United States




It was scary, to say the least, but Sabine made a difference in my world that day.
I have 2 different stories to tell about this wonderful nurse. In July of 2021, my father was admitted to the hospital due to a second heart attack. While a patient at Augusta Health throughout the years, he was always treated with exceptional care. I never had any complaints. He seemed to be doing well and receiving some therapy. He was being moved from bedside recliner back to his bed when he appeared to have a seizure of some sort– he went rigid and was unresponsive. The lovely nurse helping him (I don’t remember her name) tried to get him “awake” with my help and then hit the Code Blue Button. This freaked me out and no one came right away, then a team descended on the room. When the nurse asked me if he had a DNR signed, I said “yes”, the Code Blue was called off, which was even more upsetting to me! As the staff worked with my dad, Sabine took me out of the room and helped to calm me down, rubbing my back and getting me tissues for my tears. She continued to stay calm and tried to alleviate my fears by telling me that they would help him and that I’d be able to see him soon. The medical staff couldn't really explain what happened, but soon he was alert and could speak to me, even though he had no memory of what had just happened. Sabine continued to check on me and asked if I needed anything. I'm in the field of education and was in NO WAY prepared to see what happened to my dad that day. It was scary, to say the least, but Sabine made a difference in my world that day. I should have nominated her then, but I am glad to be doing so now!

In February of 2022, my dad was sent from the Legacy at North Augusta to Augusta Health due to difficulty in breathing and dizziness. When I arrived at the ER early that morning he was semi-alert and the ER staff briefed me as to what was going on with him. Based on a brain scan that showed a “bleed”, the decision was made to admit him. In addition, he appeared to be slightly dehydrated, in need of blood, and had fluid in his chest, most likely from his heart failure.

The next day while we were waiting on another scan to be completed and read, Sabine checked several times to see if Dad was comfortable and if I needed anything. When dad was receiving breathing treatment, I took a quick walk through the corridors of the 3rd floor. She checked on me again. Maybe she knew that dad’s condition was dire, even though at the time I didn’t quite understand it all. When the second scan showed the bleed wasn’t progressing, I thought that was good news. She made sure to make me laugh as I spent time with Dad throughout the day and when we chatted in the hallways. Her sense of humor (and how we compared personal preferences of liquor– which I felt like I needed at the time!) really made me feel better.

Looking back on that day, she had to have known more about his condition than I really did. It was his last day on Earth. He passed away in the early hours the next day peacefully and on his own terms. His physical struggles here on Earth were over. Sabine Dukes helped my father greatly on those 2 days, days I will never forget, nor will I forget her efforts to help me as well. Dad wasn’t in any physical pain on those days, but my emotional pain was at an all-time high! As stated previously, as a teacher, the medical world is out of my comfort zone. I’d rather be anywhere than a hospital, especially the ER. Anxiety rides high within me while I’m there, but Sabine did all she could do to help Dad and me! I will be eternally grateful to her! She was amazing! 

Note: This is Sabine's 2nd DAISY Award!