Sabrina Duncan
May 2023
The Christie Private Care
HCA Healthcare
United Kingdom




Sabrina treated the symptoms with ease and no matter how busy she was, always took the time to spend with Mum explaining and supporting her.
My mum had a spike in temperature and was feeling very weak. A bed was arranged for her for admission but felt anxious about going into hospital and declined. By the next day, we had managed to talk Mum around but she remained extremely anxious and I was worried she might change her mind.

When Mum arrived we were greeted by Sabrina. Her calming voice and gentle manner immediately made all the difference. It was like she knew what to do at completely the right time. For the next crucial 48 hours, Sabrina made sure she was the nurse looking after Mum as she knew how anxious Mum had been. Sabrina treated the symptoms with ease and no matter how busy she was, always took the time to spend with Mum explaining and supporting her.

Although all of the nurses were excellent Mum wanted to nominate Sabrina as an individual who stood out and worked selflessly to ensure Mum felt reassured and safe. Without that individualised approach, help, and support Mum wasn't sure she would have made it through that crucial period of recovery.

I would like to thank the nurses and especially Sabrina. We love you all xxx