October 2017
Brigham Young University College of Nursing
United States




Sage Williams became a research assistant at the end of nursing semester one, working with faculty members on multiple research studies on sexual assault victims throughout Utah. Her passion for caring for underserved and vulnerable individuals expands beyond the research arena; she also immerses herself in volunteer work.
Sage takes a monthly 48-hour call shift as a victim 's advocate in Utah County for sexual assault victims with the Center for Women and Children in Crisis and volunteers at the University of Utah Health Burn Camp program for children. This past summer, Sage worked in a family refugee camp in Greece for children and families fleeing Syria. Of note, she left the camp to join faculty members in Dublin, Ireland, to present at the International Sigma Theta Tau conference. While there, Sage only had sandals to wear because she had given her shoes to those more in need at the refugee camp.
Her plans include obtaining a DNP as a psychiatric mental health nurse. She is truly an exceptional nursing student who emulates the Healer 's art and will make a difference in the world, especially with those who have been traumatized.