Sahar Fayad
January 2023
Pediatric Clinic
Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare (JHAH)
Eastern Region
Saudi Arabia




Sahar is very cooperative with an outstanding smile and put peace in my daughter’s heart while preserving her dignity and giving her all her needs.
On behalf of my family and my daughter, I want to express my sincere appreciation and thanks for the outstanding performance and excellent corporation done by Nurse Sahar during our appointments at JHAH. My daughter is special needs. Her reactions are different from others, if she’s happy or laughing she will show pure happiness and excitement every time she’s seeing Nurse Sahar as she’s one of her best nurses who took care of her in the past 6 years. Sahar is very cooperative with an outstanding smile and put peace in my daughter’s heart while preserving her dignity and giving her all her needs.

Moreover, she’s much more appreciated by the doctor (my daughter's neurologist) and the other nurses as always, they are coming for her advice. I’ll tell you about one of the situations when my daughter had seizures absences at home, and I was desperate as her medications were not working. She put me as add on to the doctor's list and was seen on the same day and that’s what I am grateful for life for her quick action on that day as she started Rivotril and with Valium enema she was under some control and that warms my heart. As a matter of fact, Thanks are not enough for this employee helping patient and their dependents with full human emotion, in addition to that she is always trying to find solutions.