Salim Llanas
October 2023
Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Adulto
Christus Muguerza Hospital Saltillo




He was attentive throughout every shift that he was in charge and with every visitor that came from the family, assisting in hand washing and entering the room with kindness and good treatment.
Mi esposo de 56 años fue paciente durante 5 días pues se puso en situación crítica en casa después de una cirugía por adenoma de hipófisis y bajo su nivel de sodio en sangre, entonces cayó en delirio y requirió ser ingresado por Urgencias en el Hospital Muguerza Saltillo y de allí a Terapia Intensiva donde Oscar Salim fue especialmente compasivo me llamó a casa para venir a alimentarlo en cuanto autorizó dieta blanca su doctor. Estuvo al pendiente en todo turno que estuvo a cargo y con cada visitante que llegó de la familia, asistiendo en lavado de manos e ingreso a la habitación con amabilidad y buen trato. Especialmente con mi suegra que, es muy mayor y tiende a ser un poco mandona, incluso permitiendo alargar un poco las visitas, dado que era el único paciente en terapia intensiva en ese momento y con ello todos sus 4 hermanos, su hija y yo podemos verlo, cuando fue transferido de Terapia Intensiva a piso nos auxilió consiguiendo una silla de ruedas, camillero para el traslado y desconectando su medicamento para acudir a la santa misa de domingo de pascua de resurrección, que es un día muy especial para nosotros. Estamos muy agradecidos y deseamos que sea recompensado por su actitud de servicio, paciencia y amabilidad.

Translated using Google:

My 56-year-old husband was a patient for 5 days because he became critical at home after surgery for a pituitary adenoma and his blood sodium level was low, then he fell into delirium and required admission to the Emergency Department at the Muguerza Saltillo Hospital. From there to Intensive Care where Oscar Salim was especially compassionate, he called me at home to feed him as soon as his doctor authorized a white diet. He was attentive throughout every shift that he was in charge and with every visitor that came from the family, assisting in hand washing and entering the room with kindness and good treatment. Especially with my mother-in-law, who is very old and tends to be a little bossy, even allowing the visits to be extended a little, given that he was the only patient in intensive care at that time. When he was transferred from Intensive Care to the floor, he helped us by getting a wheelchair, a stretcher bearer for the transfer, and disconnecting his medication to attend the Holy Mass on Easter Sunday, which is a very special day for us. We are very grateful and hope that he will be rewarded for his attitude of service, patience, and kindness.