Samantha Durand
September 2024
Labor & Delivery
Northside Hospital Forsyth
United States




Samantha continuously guided me with her calm, soothing voice. She was so gracious and reassuring even through my most unpleasant moments.
I presented to L&D to be induced for my first pregnancy. I was so scared and felt alone as my partner and father to my child was unable to attend due to the suddenness of the induction and him being away for school in California. Samantha came in as my second nurse during the induction. I recognized her as we had actually gone to school together a long time ago, but we never had a close friendship.

As my induction continued, I was not progressing fast enough, and my baby was sunny side up. The cause of my induction was hypertension, which was also not getting better. Near the end of her shift, my status got worse as Sam and another nurse tried tirelessly to turn my baby around in my stomach through various positioning exercises that involved them physically lifting my body and turning me around as I could not move myself due to the epidural. Unfortunately, the baby was still sunny side up, and I was only 7 cm dilated. At this point, my epidural line became kinked and had stopped working. I started to feel everything! I was still not dilated enough to push, but the baby boy was ready, and I exclaimed, “I need to use the bathroom!”

This is what I was told I needed to say, and it was possible I would get this feeling when it was time to push. Samantha continuously guided me with her calm, soothing voice. She was so gracious and reassuring even through my most unpleasant moments. Samantha was a stranger to me, and she showed such great compassion that it felt as though we had been such close friends for years. My biggest fear came true, and Samantha informed me that I would need to deliver via c-section. Her shift was over but she made sure to explain to me what the next few moments would consist of so as to prepare myself. I needed that so much in that moment of uncertainty. I cried when I learned that I needed a C-section, but I could hear the empathy in her voice. She saw me as more than just a patient.

The delivery went on successfully, and I delivered a healthy baby boy thanks to the doctors and nurses at Northside Forsyth. The next day, Samantha visited me in the recovery room to check on me and my baby. I was so shocked and happy to see her. I certainly felt her care for me as well as my baby. I have never felt such a level of care and passion for their career from any other healthcare worker. Samantha took her time and never seemed to be rushing out of my room. I felt a sense of calmness around her. It was so amazing to see Samantha in action. Because of Samantha, I will always remember Northside Forsyth as the astounding institution that it is. This is truly her calling, and I thank God for having placed such an angel on our path.

Samantha, I never got to give you the thanks that you truly deserve. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.