May 2023
Vermont Technical College
Randolph Center
United States




It is Sam's love of people, her honesty, and her sincere and loving nature that makes her such an exceptional nurse.
While Sam Greene is a new nurse, she has spent close to half of her young life involved with patient care in one way or another. I learned that from a very young age, Sam was helping with daily care of elderly people in her neighborhood. Her commitment to her patients is incredibly apparent, and she cares very deeply for them as well as their families. On several occasions throughout our clinical experiences together in school, I have witnessed many heartfelt and kind moments with Sam and her patients. There is one specific interaction however, that continues to play in my mind.

During one of our clinical rotations at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center, Sam was helping me answer call bells on the floor, and we spent some time with an older female patient whom Sam happened to have taken care of in the past. We were in and out of the room several times that day, and as the patient prepared for discharge I noticed she was becoming somewhat weepy. I helped to provide emotional support as she was upset about being discharged with home oxygen, but ultimately filled Sam in about her state. Sam dropped what she was doing and met her at the door as she was being wheeled out of her room. She bent down and whispered a few things in her ear and gave her the biggest, most comforting hug I have ever seen. The patient smiled, with tears in her eyes, and thanked Sam. It is Sam's love of people, her honesty, and her sincere and loving nature that makes her such an exceptional nurse and why she is so very deserving of a DAISY Award.


A patient fell while walking with physical therapy. Samantha heard someone call for help and went to the patient. She assessed and comforted the patient while the physical therapist notified the nurse. She provided emotional support and solace to the patient. She helped get the patient off the floor and measured blood pressures before and after standing the patient up. Even though the patient was not assigned to her, she supported the staff and the patient, all while maintaining a calm attitude. Not only is Samantha an astute and perceptive nursing student, she always gives 100% effort to patients and her colleagues because she is a team player with exceptional character.