Samantha Morquecho
April 2021
Emergency Department
Greater Baltimore Medical Center




When Sam learned that this patient and family had a strong religious faith, she prayed with the patient
Samantha Morquecho is a compassionate nurse with a deep understanding of what it means for patients and families to be separated from their loved ones during this pandemic. Sam always takes the time to comfort anxious patients and to communicate with their families.
A recent example occurred with a patient who was critically ill on arrival to the Emergency Department. After the patient's family was contacted, a decision was made to withdraw treatment and begin palliative care. Unfortunately, the family was not able to come in to be with the patient. When Sam learned that this patient and family had a strong religious faith, she prayed with the patient and arranged for a priest to come in for last rites even though it was the middle of the night.
Sam is also a person of strong faith and carried a Rosary in her work bag that her own mother had given her. She brought that rosary to the patient while they prayed. When the patient passed in the ED, the family asked if their mother could be buried with that Rosary, and she was quick to agree. Sam was happy to have been able to give the family some peace knowing that their mother had someone with her, providing comfort in her last moments. Sam exemplifies our vision and we are so fortunate to have her as part of our Emergency Department family.