Samantha Wendel
May 2022
Clinton Memorial Hospital
United States




Working alongside Sam inspired me to take the time for the little touches that can always seem so much for families and the patients we care for each day. 
Working alongside Sam during the height of COVID in our ICU taught me the type of nurse I will always strive to be. One specific patient sticks out that we had in our ICU for well over a month. This patient came to us with COVID, his sister was his POA. Sam advocated for the patient while he remained in our care, spending countless hours speaking to the family, talking to the patient, and helping with his care when she wasn't assigned to him. Sam would take the time to apply the essential oils his family would send and would schedule video chats so the family could remain in contact while we were under strict visitor restrictions. Working alongside Sam inspired me to take the time for the little touches that can always seem so much for families and the patients we care for each day.