Sandra Green
May 2024
RML Specialty Hospital
United States




When I find out that Sandy is his nurse for the day, I immediately feel at ease because I know that he will get very good care under her watch!
Sandy Green is one of the most caring nurses who takes care of my father at RML Specialty Hospital. Not only is Sandy kind, but she is knowledgeable, honest, and fast-acting! We never have to ask Sandy twice for anything that we need. If we express that there is something that could be wrong, she immediately contacts the doctor or whoever needs to be contacted to figure out the problem. We never have to look for her, as she checks in regularly. She stays on top of schedule with meds and repositioning and never says no when we ask something of her. For example, Doctors have expressed that my father needs to be in a cardiac chair at least once a day to progress in his healing. Sometimes, when asking others, they hem and haw because they say they don’t have time or say they are understaffed and won’t be able to find help without even trying. When we ask Sandy to get him in the chair, there are no excuses…she says, “Yes, of course!”, never says no and will even remind us if we don’t ask!

I work more than one job and have a very busy schedule, but I am with my father every day, as I work remotely from his bedside. When I’m not with him, I am very uneasy and worried. When I find out that Sandy is his nurse for the day, I immediately feel at ease because I know that he will get very good care under her watch! Most of the time these days, I am only able to accept work at my second job when I know Sandy will be assigned to my father for the day. I am then reassured that he will be in good hands! He knows her and is able to say her name out loud when he needs help; which I’ve never heard him do with others. The biggest anxiety I have every day is not knowing who his assigned staff is for the day because that will easily determine how the day is going to go. When I walk in and see that Sandy is assigned to my father, it’s like seeing Jesus, Joseph, and Mary! The anxiety immediately subsides. That’s how much Sandy brings peace to our family. She has become like family to us! There are a few other great nurses I would love to nominate, but Sandy is very special to us and an essential part of my father’s care. Every day her compassion is appreciated and her dedication is admired. Her service to humanity makes a difference in the lives of others. We thank her for all she does and will forever be grateful. Sandy should be very proud of the work she does, the person she is, and the difference she makes. God bless her as she continues to serve others in the noblest way that she can.