Sandy White
January 2020
Acute Oncology
Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center
United States




Sandy has been a nurse at Eastern Maine Medical Center for almost 20 years and has continued to display more care and compassion than any other nurse I have been able to work with. She never gives the answer no to anyone, whether it be to the staff, the patient, or the patient's family. She always is there when you need her. She is also the first to respond to call lights and bathroom alarms even when she is charge and taking care of other things.
She always attempts to see both sides of every situation even when she knows there shouldn't be two sides. Being such an experienced nurse, she has done a lot of teaching to her staff and family. She always tries to pass along her dedicated work ethic and fierce love for her job. She always believes in her patients, no matter the problem she has no doubt in her mind that she can help them get better or better themselves.
With Sandy's attitude in the work environment, it creates a calming effect with everyone she comes into contact with. She always treats her patients and coworkers with the utmost dignity and respect. Watching Sandy work with these patients is truly inspiring. She always has a calming word of advice and a gentle touch that could make any person feel better. The true compassion she shows towards each and every one of her patients is inspirational.
Sandy also shows respect for each and every religion or belief a patient may exhibit. Even when the patient makes a farfetched claim, she is always the one to nod her head and agree with the patient and support their decision. She demonstrates her passion to better her skills in her profession. Whether it be a new sterile technique or the newest apheresis technique. Attending conventions in different states across the country to learn new things about her field of work.
As Sandy continues to gain experience in the nursing field, she has learned how to advocate for her patients more efficiently and with more concrete evidence in her claims. Also, outside of work, she is the first person to ask if someone needs help. She would also offer you the shirt off her back because it is just the type of person she is.
Having Sandy as a mom is one of the best things that have ever happened to me. From a young age, she taught me to be kind to all even when they didn't really deserve it. Working here at EMMC with her on multiple occasions and seeing the other nurses she works with and who have been trained by Sandy look up to her is one of the most amazing feelings. The respect that everyone shows towards her really shows me just how hard she's worked for her position here.