Saprina Palomo
March 2019
Geriatrics Clinic
Parkland Health & Hospital System
United States




Saprina is consistently kind and passionate towards patients/family members. She takes pride in her work by going that extra mile to make clients/families feel special regardless of their nationality. She recently assisted a patient who came to clinic without funding, who was facing appointment cancelation to specialty clinics. Saprina took the time to investigate further just to find the patient had two accounts with full PFA on one of them. The patient was very appreciative as no one else had listened to him. Everyone he encountered referred him to financial counselors and it was quite frustrating for him.
As the chair of the UBC for the geriatric clinic, she has energized other nurses to get involved. Every third week of the month, nurses provide a small present with learning material for patients and their families as a form of appreciation for them. She treats everyone with respect and can be counted on giving excellent care without anyone looking over her shoulder. She is extremely organized while maintaining perfect daily records of equipment assigned to her. She has managed to assist her team in managing the largest panel in the clinic. Together they have created a special schedule for non-compliant, frail, or non-English patients who need extra attention in their care. These patients are followed either every two weeks or monthly depending on their situation, which has resulted in better patient care as evidenced by press Ganey satisfaction scores. Patients mention Saprina on their survey report thanking her for their care.
She works well in collaboration with others to provide excellent care to the geriatric population. She often sends emails encouraging team members to participate in 5k walks or after work get together for team building. She displays excellent teamwork every day and the geriatric clinic is fortunate to have her. She is a great asset to our department.