Sara Cross
June 2022
Registered Midwife
Community Midwifes Ward 24
United Kingdom




I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders when I saw Sara.
From the second I met Sara during my induction to have my baby, I felt there was something incredibly special about her. I was extremely nervous about the whole process and very tearful. She made me and my partner feel at ease from the get go and managed to have me laughing and joking within the hour of arriving. She was always professional but personable and made me feel like I was the only person on the unit. I was on the ward for six days before I went to labour ward/theatre to have my baby. Sara came to find me on her study day after I told her how scared I was, and she made sure I was ok as she knew I was having a caesarean after a failed labour.

Once I was moved to post natal ward, Sara was on shift there. I was really unwell after my c-section and could barely move. I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders when I saw Sara. She went the extra mile helping me to feed my new-born and finding a pump to help me express to feed my baby. She sat with me while I cried, she cared for my baby when she could see I needed support, and she always checked on us to make sure we were ok. She really was an angel in disguise as a midwife.

I was surprised to find out she has been qualified for 1 year, I felt like she'd been there for years and really knew her stuff. Myself, my partner, and my new baby couldn't have gotten through the 8-day birth process without her. She really went out of her way to help us. I'd love to see such a caring, compassionate and all round fantastic midwife be recognised for this. There isn't enough I can say to thank her for everything and making the scariest time of my life seem more manageable. I hope a DAISY Award would demonstrate this. Thank you Sara, you are amazing and a complete credit to your profession.