August 2023
St. Francis Regional Medical Center
United States




Sara immediately noted the danger of her post-concussion symptoms
Every once in a while, situations arise in nursing that make you especially proud, especially humbled, and especially thankful for nurses who have touched us with their care, their empathy, and their dedication. One evening in February was one such instance, and Sara Moser, RN was one such nurse. Sara was finishing up her long, busy 12-hour shift when she came upon a fellow nurse who seemed to be having a medical emergency. Just less than a week before, this nurse had a terrible fall resulting in a concussion, small brain bleed and severe headaches. She had returned to work the day before and the team was keeping a close eye on her. Just before the end of Sara's shift at 7 p.m., she noticed this nurse sitting on the floor, unable to get up. Aware of the history of this nurse's recent fall history, Sara went to her side immediately to assess and ask how she was doing. The RN told her she was extremely dizzy and nauseous, and unable to stand up on her own. Despite bieng shift change, Sara immediately noted the danger of her post-concussion symptoms, grabbed a wheelchair, informed me - the charge nurse - on the status of the down nurse, and assisted in getting her from the floor into a wheelchair. She told me she would bring her coworker to the Emergency Department and stay with her until she was ready to be discharged. True to her word, Sara stayed with her coworker in the ED past the end of her shift and followed her home to make sure she arrived safely. Caring for people is what nurses do. It's our passion. At St. Francis, caring for each other is the essence of FBP. Thank you, Sara!