Sara White
November 2022
Acute Care
Great Falls Hospital
Great Falls
United States




Not only was Sara a great morale booster, but she also demonstrated confidence and skill in each treatment and procedure she did.
Sara must be an angel with wings undercover. She was the nurse assigned to my husband when he came out of extensive cardiac bypass surgery. He almost looked dead. He could have been: all of his heart vessels were 90% blocked. Those critical care/ICU nurses literally hold the patient's life in their hands - and what skilled hands they are! Sara reassured me and explained what would be happening as my husband started to recover. She was so positive and cheerful: it gave me hope and peace that he was receiving the best care possible. Not only was Sara a great morale booster, but she also demonstrated confidence and skill in each treatment and procedure she did. When my husband developed problems with his incision, she took action immediately, obtaining cultures and special dressings. We always felt like she gave us her full attention even though we know she had other patients. Each question was answered fully from a great depth of experience. She seemed to have a sixth sense of how to make patients comfortable.

Even though Sara's wings were undercover, she constantly spread blessings. She made our brush with death something we can look back on and say, "Thank goodness for Sara!"