Sara Wilson
May 2024
Helford 6th Floor
City of Hope
United States




Sara’s extra efforts have consistently shown a high standard and integrity throughout more than ten years of service.
I stayed five days at COH at the 6th BMT unit for chemotherapy. Sara Wilson helped me during the last day and discharged me from the hospital. She stood out as the most outstanding nurse among more than two dozen nurses and PCTs who helped me during my stay.

Here are a few examples:

1. Compassion: COH had a nice summary discharge document. Sara not only read through but carefully explained in detail by addressing the reasons why and how I need to follow correctly. She also helped to answer all the concerns and doubts. Her compassion shows me that COH will continue to support me and my family with the medical needs and services for my outpatient care.

2. Integrity: PCAs usually check urine when they cannot see the nurse. Sara pays attention to the drug the doctor prescribed, which caused frequent urine. Sara voluntarily checks and empties the urine container so I don’t have to wait for PCT. Most importantly, she reinforced “infection prevention” by wiping all the door bars after she emptied the urine container and exited the rooms. Sara’s extra efforts have consistently shown a high standard and integrity throughout more than ten years of service.

3. Intellectual curiosity: Sara cross-checked with the doctor and pharmacy when she found one medicine prescribed differently based on her knowledge to make sure the instructions were correct for me to follow.

4. Collaborations: She persistently worked with an external home service to ensure the new infusion device was set up correctly and provided suggestions based on her experiences and other patients' experiences for coping with the device after I returned home.

5. Excellence: She demonstrated her in-depth knowledge of patient care with compassion. She was curious about how to improve and perform her tasks better with the teams. Most importantly, she took care of the patient like her family and friends by providing the best practices as a nurse!

Note: This is Sara's 2nd DAISY Award!