Sarah Durham
January 2022
AdventHealth Kissimmee
United States




With empathy, compassion for both the mother and the patient, and were able to make a connection. You took the time to sit with the mother and just listen.
Sarah, you were recognized by your peers as a DAISY Nurse. They mentioned that you are a nurse who exudes the AdventHealth mission of Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ. You share kindness and compassion with everyone you meet. You consistently go the extra mile to make sure the patients’ needs are met, which you would say is the expectation. However, when you are on the floor, you sure to stop by any patient’s room to say hello to them, as well as their families. I have seen you running to another patient’s room to help fellow nurse or physician.

As a nurse on the unit during this pandemic you showed dedication to our patients and families by never wavering in the care delivered. You might say, this is what you are supposed to do, but coming from you there is a different meaning. There was a patient’s mother who was under a lot of stress and proved to be difficult for many of the other nurses to handle. You received this assignment, with a smile went about caring for this patient. With empathy, compassion for both the mother and the patient, and were able to make a connection. You took the time to sit with the mother and just listen. During this time, you were able to calm the mother's fears and concerns for her son. You cared for the patient in the way his mother would, earning her trust. Eventually the patient recovered and was discharged. The mother made a point to come back to the unit to thank you for your kindness and for not only helping her son get better, but for helping support her though the time her son was in the hospital.

When you are on the unit, you can be seen going from room to room helping to care for any patient or nurse on the unit that needs help. Sarah, you lead by example and work tirelessly to be an educator, mentor, and leader on the unit. You take on any role that is assigned to and will work tirelessly to make sure it is done right. You never have to be asked to do anything, you have an incredible knack of seeing when there is a need and taking it on without being asked. One day the unit was extremely busy and the ANM on duty had to attend meeting. Without asking, you took it upon yourself to make the night shift assignment and complete the end of shift report for the ANM. This allowed the ANM to complete her meeting, as well as her assignment in a timely manner, allowing her to go home on time to her family.

You are loved by peers, and we credit you for helping to retain nurses on the unit. You are an informal leader who the team feels they can come to with any question they have. They know you are there to help them at any time. Your infectious laugh can be heard throughout the day and brings smiles to the faces of all your peers.