Sarah Grossmann
June 2020
Medical Intensive Care Unit
Rush University Medical Center
United States




Sarah and I worked with the same patient/family. In my role as a Chaplain, as you know, I support patients and families emotionally/spiritually. I must say, in all of my years in chaplaincy/ministry, Sarah displayed the highest level of patient/family support that I have ever seen. And I do not say that lightly.
She journeyed with the patient and family like a seasoned chaplain. I was with the family from 5:30 am-7:30 am, and during that time she held the patient's hand, held the phone to his ear so the family can speak with him, and quite literally, watched this patient die. Needless to say, I am extremely impressed.
I know in the hustle and bustle of COVID-19, the world is declaring healthcare workers heroes (rightfully so) and that can sometimes get redundant; however, Sarah was truly a heroine that morning! I wish I could adequately express how grateful I am for her care, and words don't seem like enough, so I plan to nominate her for our department's "Hero of the Heart" award!
As her unit director, I felt that it was important for me to share this experience with you. And I hope that you can let her know how much of a blessing she was to that family today.
P.S. I completely forgot to mention that her translations also helped the family, and they were very grateful!