Sarah Mulroe
December 2021
20th floor Nerve Muscle Bone Innovation Center
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab
United States




Sarah worked with housekeeping and the UA to keep everyone informed in the room moves, came up with a plan, and kept the unit running smoothly.
There are many reasons why Sarah is a DAISY Nurse. She has been nominated many times before for the outstanding care she provides our patients. Not only does Sarah go above and beyond at work, but she also is the sweetest and most kind person all around. Spending most of her time outside of work, helping the homeless regain life skills and preparing them to get jobs and be successful in the next step of their lives.

However, after today there is no doubt in my mind that Sarah is everything that a DAISY Nurse is supposed to be. Our CNC had to leave abruptly around 9 am. No one even had to ask Sarah; she just stepped right up and started taking on the roles of the CNC; mind you, she had a total mod of SIX patients. She got everything ready for huddle and conference. She took care of all her patient needs then jumped right into a 2-hour long burn shift to help the nurse out because the CNC was out. Straight out of the burn shower, she ran to conference then right back into caring for her patients. While she was super nurse, we also had an abrupt and difficult to arrange covid patient coming to our unit. Sarah quickly jumped into action, making 3+ room swaps to ensure we could safely take this patient. She worked with housekeeping and the UA to keep everyone informed in the room moves, came up with a plan, and kept the unit running smoothly. Sarah was amazing! She not only jumped up and managed all things that the CNC usually would have to do, but she did them all while taking on a full mod of patients, and she didn't complain once. She kept the unit safe, the staff happy and helped, and she provided outstanding care to her patients.

Sarah is a fantastic asset to our hospital. She is always there when needed and never complains or backs down from a task. She is always willing to help cover any role; this girl has covered the CNC, CI, and CNL positions as needed; she is the "C" Queen. Not only does the staff love and appreciate all her help, but her patients also love her. She is always going above and beyond to help patients and make them feel comfortable, she can often be found chatting with her patients and showing them silly pictures of her dog to cheer them up. She is a true DAISY Nurse.