Sarah Murphy
May 2020
Beebe Healthcare
United States




Sarah and I are classmates in the WILMU FNP program. We have been study buddies throughout and really supported each other. Never did I ever expect to need her support at Beebe. Recently, my husband developed angioedema from a peritonsillar abscess on top of having the flu. He needed an emergency trach place. While he was back in the OR, I saw Sarah walking out, so I called her name. When she saw me and put two and two together, you could see her heart immediately breaking. I was alone at the hospital that night because my mother in law couldn't be there as she was watching my 3-year-old son. Going through this experience with my otherwise healthy husband was horrible, which was compounded by the lack of support. But Sarah more than made up for that. Although she was not assigned to his case (I don't believe), she checked in on me and my husband as we waited for transport, gave me lots of hugs, words of encouragement, went down to the cafeteria and bought me food and drinks since I hadn't eaten all day, and even insisted on giving me toll money when I asked where an ATM was so that I did not have to stop on my way up to Christiana (my husband was transferred to the surgical trauma ICU). I cannot begin to describe what this meant to me. I have no doubt that she provides this same, loving, thoughtful care to all of her patients. I truly do not believe I could have made it through that night without her support. I will never ever forget the love and support she gave me on one of the worst nights of my life, and I will be grateful for that forever.