Sarah Turgeon
November 2020
Heart & Kidney Unit
Children’s National Hospital




Sarah instantly connected with the patient and was able to help me ease the patient's anxiety and proceed to swallow her medications.
Sarah is always the first nurse to step up and offer a helping hand when the unit is busy. She is constantly checking in on people and making sure they are in a good place and don't need any help. For example, the other day when I was overwhelmed with tasks, Sarah jumped in and started priming my TPN/lipids. Before I knew it, they were already checked and hung with my cap change. Moreover, that same day she came in to help me with a toddler who struggled to take PO medications. Sarah instantly connected with the patient and was able to help me ease the patient's anxiety and proceed to swallow her medications. I think she often isn't shown the recognition she deserves for how supportive and helpful she is as a nurse.
Sarah embodies a nurse with excellent patient care through her commitment to teamwork and her compassion for her patients.