Sarah Wedl
January 2024
Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Clinic
Watertown Regional Medical Center
United States




Nursing is her true calling.  Thank you for all your kindness and compassion, Sarah; it does not go unnoticed.
Sarah goes above and beyond for the patients she helps care for, their families, and her co-workers.  She has a positive attitude, is organized, and shows so much compassion.  She is a team player and has a willingness to help anyone who needs help, even if she is really busy.  Sarah was going to the second floor to show a family member where their loved one's room was.  I asked her if she could grab the bed for me because I had some things going on and I couldn't leave the floor.  She happily did it for me, and I appreciate that more than she will ever know.  She fills all of our polar cubes for the shoulder patients, and that just makes life a lot easier.  There was a family member who stopped Sarah in the hallway and was not even an ortho patient.  She willingly helped this family instead of asking someone else to take care of it and even showed them how to get to the patient's room.  Nursing is her true calling.  Thank you for all your kindness and compassion, Sarah; it does not go unnoticed.


Sarah is the perfect nurse to be in the role of the ortho navigator.  While everyone is hustling and running around in the surgery department, Sarah has the job of taking the time with family and patients to help explain and ease the procedure/surgery anxieties.  She made us feel so at ease during a stressful day.  She ensured that all of our questions were answered.  She made sure that our daughter had everything that she would need to be comfortable at home during the healing process.  Sarah even took the time to check on our daughter when she wasn't even at the hospital to ensure we had the supplies that we needed.  Our family appreciated the kindness, the questions that were answered, and the compassionate care that was provided.

Note: This is Sarah's 2nd DAISY Award!