Schwartz Round Nurses Team
October 2020
Schwartz Round Nurses
Lahey Hospital & Medical Center
United States
Liz Ferreira, RN 6 & 7 Southeast
Jackie Webber, RN MICU
Shelby Creamer, RN MICU
Renee Giglio, RN 6 & 7 Southeast
Nancy Wilson, RN Rapid Response
Quinn Slein, RN 6 & 7 Southeast
Sam Coleman, RN SICU




They all highlighted our mission by honoring the nursing profession, patients, and each other by being pioneers at the forefront of healthcare.
A few weeks ago I had the honor of watching Schwartz Rounds here at Lahey Hospital and Medical Center. The topic was “Standing in the Inpatient Nurses Shoes and Mind during the Covid-19 pandemic.” The panel of speakers consisted of med/surg, critical care, and rapid response nurses. Many of them I know and worked with during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic. The thing that stuck out to me the most was their dedication to the nursing profession and resiliency to go on after such a challenging time. They feared going to work. They feared catching a disease with so many unknowns and giving it to their families. But the one thing they feared the most was to not show up. To not be there for the patients or their colleagues. That is what brought them back shift after shift. That alone spoke volumes to every listener at that video conference. Each and every one of us were in awe of their ability to share their deepest, darkest moments during this time. To be able to put all their emotions out there for over 100 listeners is what touched every one of us the most. These nurses did not sign up for what they experienced. Yet they never gave up. They put the patients first and fulfilled their roles to the best of their ability with compassion and grace. That is why Liz Ferreira, Jackie Webber, Shelby Creamer, Renee Giglio, Nancy Wilson, Quinn Slein, and Sam Coleman deserve the DAISY Award recognition. All made a difference in every patients’ life touched during this pandemic. They all highlighted our mission by honoring the nursing profession, patients, and each other by being pioneers at the forefront of healthcare. I am honored to be part of their team.