Selena Smith
May 2021
Registered Nurse
Fayetteville VA Health Care Center
United States




There have been many occasions where Selena Smith has stopped what she was doing and ran to the rescue of a Veteran or a staff member. No matter if she is on break, or if the person just needed directions or emergency help she is always there. More recently at the HCC, there was a Code Blue that was activated. The Code Blue was called for a person that was not a Veteran. Selena gathered all the emergency equipment she needed, jumped into action, and ran into the pouring rain with no hesitation not knowing if the person was a patient or not. She began CPR until the rest of the Code Blue team arrived. The local emergency team arrived and transported the patient to the nearest hospital.
Selena has also been nominated for the DAISY Award two times for going above and beyond the call of duty of a nurse.