Selena Whalen
October 2023
Burn Unit
UofL Health- UofL Hospital
United States




Always concerned with appropriate medical care, Selena is never shy of giving that extra touch of love to her patients. I cannot count the days she has bathed, lotioned, powdered, braided hair, and done a patient’s makeup, just to make them feel human or special.
Describing one specific situation in which Selena demonstrates the criteria for the DAISY Award is almost like trying to catch the wind. I have known Selena professionally and personally, for over 20 years. When I met her, she was a tech on the Burn Unit. I have personally watched Selena work her way through nursing school while she raised her children and helped care for her own extended family. She has never faltered in her desire (regardless of her role) to give the best care to patients (and their families) here at UofL Hospital, or in her loyalty to this facility and the population we have served here for 25 + years at ULH speaks volumes to this.

I can honestly say she comes to work every day knowing that her job can be difficult and challenging, yet when she gets here, her #1 priority is to make sure patients are taken care of in a way that she would care for her own family. I see her every day working trying to “transform the health of communities we serve through compassionate, innovative, patient-centered care.” And not just her patients but ANY patient and any family.  I have witnessed her stop a family member in the hall just because they had that look of “confusion” and ask what they need, and then meet that need. Truly, she has never met a stranger. Her personality is such that she can connect with anyone, regardless of their race, gender, or socioeconomic status. Always concerned with appropriate medical care, Selena is never shy of giving that extra touch of love to her patients. I cannot count the days she has bathed, lotioned, powdered, braided hair, and done a patient’s makeup, just to make them feel human or special. As we know, it can be easy for patients to lose their sense of identity during a hospital stay- and those things that seem so simple can make a patient’s day. I have seen the look in patients' and their families’ eyes when she walks in the room… it is a look of knowing that she is trustworthy and that their needs will be met. If Selena can’t do it, she will find someone who can. It seems she has never-ending grit to get the job done. Burn patients require immense amounts of education, not only on how to care for their wounds but also on how to prevent fire injuries, not to mention the emotional support needed for what can be a long treatment period. Given her years of healthcare experience, she can explain information to patients/families on a level that can be understood, regardless of their education level.

I HAVE NEVER asked Selena for help and she did not stop what she was doing and help me…, never. I HAVE NEVER seen a patient/family member or other staff member ask for help and not receive it. Most of the time, people do not even need to ask, as noted above, if she even sees the “look” she will offer help. She is a “go-to” person on the Burn Unit, and she always has been both as a tech and now as an RN.

Can I say I have never seen her frustrated? Of course not. Who of us has never been frustrated? Healthcare is tough, especially when you care as much as Selena does. What I can say is that she always maintains a positive attitude (even when frustrated), and her level of professionalism is top-notch, even on the toughest days. Selena values honesty and integrity and has a work ethic like none other.  I would work by her side any day. Selena has strong decision-making abilities, and she is excellent at identifying assessment abnormalities. She is a strong nurse and has the ability to understand when to call for immediate assistance regarding changes in a patient’s condition. This is one of the most valuable skills a nurse can have. This facility is filled with SO MANY excellent nurses who deserve recognition, and I put Selena Whalen, RN, at the top of the list. She is a true DAISY Nurse.