Shannon Giordano
July 2020
St. Jude Medical Center
United States




I first met Shannon when she started in the Pre-Op Liaison role. She worked hard to make sure all of her patients were ready for surgery. She took on that role and went above and beyond what it originally started as. When the liaison position was dissolved, Shannon helped to educate other Pre-Op nurses on how to prep patients at that same high standard she did. Shannon is a leader and has worked as the relief coordinator. All of her co-workers love her and hold her in high regard.
Shannon was highly requested by another Pre-Op nurse. Shannon was very busy, but she came into the Pre-Op room with a huge smile, gave her 'nice-to-meet-you's,' and asked the requesting nurse what the problem was. "This patient has had four pokes, and I can't find a vein that will take the needle."
Shannon replied, "I'm sorry you're becoming a pin cushion." And then she proceeded to do her job quickly, professionally, and expertly. She cracked a couple of jokes in the middle of the process, while still explaining the procedure. Although she was extremely busy, before she left us, she wished us well and hoped she was the first to tell us everything would be terrific.