Shawn Hennessey
August 2023
Cardiovascular ICU
CHI Memorial Hospital
United States




At this point (Tuesday) Shawn had been introduced as a member of my mother's care team, and like everyone else in the CVICU team, I instantly trusted him.
A good nurse tends to the needs of a patient/family during times of need. A great nurse can anticipate those needs and tend to them without being asked. An extraordinary nurse does all of those things despite the fact that death is the only outcome. It is unmistakable to me that Shawn is one of the elite few who belong in the latter category.

My mother and family were fortunate enough to be placed in Shawn's path Sunday when my mother suffered a heart attack. Despite initial expectations, she made it through the operations to stabilize her heart and was placed into the care of the cardiovascular ICU team where she remained until she passed. We did not realize it at the time, but it was soon apparent she had suffered an anoxic brain injury in the first few minutes of her cardiac event. Her condition never improved and we were advised that the likelihood of a meaningful recovery was unlikely. At this point (Tuesday) Shawn had been introduced as a member of my mother's care team, and like everyone else in the CVICU team, I instantly trusted him.

On Wednesday, we decided to remove my mother from life-sustaining care and transition her to end-of-life care with Hospice of Chattanooga. I was apprehensive at first because I trusted the CVICU team and did not want anyone else to care for my mother. Shawn assured me that though hospice was taking the lead in her care from then on, the team on the CVICU floor would be taking care of us. So, the process began.

Throughout the day, Shawn proved his compassion and kindness have no limits. I was trying to get various mementos and memories throughout the day because I didn't know what I was going to need or want in order to grieve. No matter the task, whether assisting me in getting my mother's hand photographed on a memento or tracking down a stamp pad so I could get my mom's thumbprint, Shawn moved heaven and earth to make sure I got what I needed. The simplest, and easiest request, however, is the one I will never forget.

My sister mentioned that typically, printouts can be made of a person's heartbeat, so she asked Shawn if he would do that for me. As the day wore on, I asked about the printout and Shawn assured me he was on top of it. Finally, we were approaching shift change for the nursing staff. My mom was still fighting at this point, and I resigned myself to the fact Shawn wouldn't be there. Just to make sure, I asked again about the heartbeat printout and Shawn reassured me that he had already gotten one. He thought he knew what I was looking for and that he would make sure the incoming nurse would be aware of what I wanted. I accepted what he said a little confused but totally trusted him to take care of what I needed.

Shawn was already done for the day when everything happened. It was already over halfway through shift change, Shawn had introduced me to his replacement and brought me a pillow and blanket for the evening. I had begun to notice I couldn't hear my mom's breaths when Shawn put his head in the door and told me it was about to happen. I've been sad in my lifetime, but I never experienced heartbreak until that moment when I was alone with my mom, holding her hand, and watching her take her last breath. My heart shattered into a million pieces.

After the initial wave of grief passed and I had calmed down, Shawn entered the room with a few pieces of paper in his hands. He showed me the first which was my mom's heartbeat when it was strong prior to her transition. Then he showed me the next paper and said “And this is her last heartbeat”’. I didn't ask him for that. I didn't expect that. He didn't know it, but that one small gesture gave back the piece of my heart I needed to begin the grieving and healing process. This was undoubtedly the saddest moment of my life. However, Shawn's gift has also made it the most special moment of my life. His gift has given me what I need to create a tribute and memorial for my mother that I will cherish forever. I would not be able to do that without Shawn and what he gave me.

I will always be thankful for Shawn, the extraordinary nurse who took care of my mom with compassion, kindness, and a gentle hand. I will forever be in debt to Shawn, the extraordinary person who took care of me when I was at my lowest.

Note: This is Shawn's 2nd DAISY Award!