Sheila Staggs
December 2017
Case Management
Roane Medical Center
United States




My Aunt was admitted to Roane Medical Center's ICU. My Dad had visited her about 10 days prior at her home only to discover that she had been battling with Pyoderma Gangrenosum, an autoimmune disease that had literally taken over her body in many horrendous and extremely painful ways. My dad soon returned home to share with our family just how extensively the disease had progressed, from long distance, we set the ball in motion to have her admitted to an assisted living facility in the hopes that she and her debilitating medical illnesses would be more closely monitored. After being in the assisted living facility for approximately a weekend in speaking with family, I felt that she needed to be transferred to a facility that could better handle her quickly deteriorating condition. My Dad and I then drove down from our homes in the hopes of developing a comprehensive plan that would enable her to receive the proper medical care that she urgently needed and most certainly deserved. Our ultimate goal was to "fix" her.
When we arrived at your facility, we spoke with Sheila Staggs. We were brought up to speed on the extent of her current medical status and the decision was made to have my Aunt transitioned into hospice/palliative care. Outpatient hospice care would honestly have not been a viable option for my Aunt. She lived with her 51 year old mentally challenged son and had very few family members or friends that were able to provide the intense around the clock care that she so desperately needed, while discussing treatment options I asked Sheila about inpatient hospice. She explained that inpatient hospice care was not available at your facility.
My Aunt realized that she was dying and her focus soon shifted. Her first and foremost concern was not herself but for providing for her son after she was gone. I honestly believe that she did not pursue aggressive and/or costly treatments throughout her illness due to the financial cost and burden to my cousin. Sheila truly understood the dire situation that my Aunt was facing.
Sheila kept in close contact with us so that we were provided with up to date information. She made numerous phone calls to multiple facilities and did the necessary research with my Aunt's insurance providers so that we could thoroughly evaluate all of our options. She diligently pursued every avenue available. When there were no more avenues available she industriously made her own "avenue." Ultimately, she worked to get all of the necessary medical providers together and presented my Aunt's case to your hospital's administrators. An exception was made on her behalf that would allow my Aunt to remain in your hospital and receive hospice care.
On behalf of our family, I would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Sheila Staggs, Roane Medical Center administrators and staff for going above and beyond to see that my Aunt died with dignity in a place where she was not only surrounded by her loving family but also by your diligent, compassionate, kindhearted, and most of all empathetic employees. Many thanks to Roane Medical Center for your Christian love and treatment of my most precious loved one.