Shelby Wherry
November 2019
6B Adult Acute Care Medicine Unit
Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan
United States




This past summer Lori was a Preceptor for Shelby, who is a new nurse on 6B. Together they became well acquainted with one of their assigned patients, who was terminal. While caring for this patient, they learned that the patient's son was engaged, and the patient expressed to Lori and Shelby that she didn't know if she would be around to see him married due to her declining health.
Lori and Shelby began talking and approached the patient's family about the possibility of having a wedding at Michigan Medicine. With the son and finance's blessing, these 2 nurses worked with the family to make wedding arrangements! They secured the Michigan Medicine Courtyard for an outdoor wedding, and on the actual wedding day, it was beautiful weather for the ceremony! Lori and Shelby had the courtyard area decorated with a trussle and vines for the ceremony.
Once the decorations were underway, they got busy helping the patient get ready for the upcoming wedding ceremony. Once everything was ready and in place, they wheeled her down to the courtyard, and with the families' clergy in attendance, the patient's son and new daughter-in-law were married! The patient was eventually discharged but passed away the following month.
The CND received this message from the family; "May you and your staff keep up the great work you all do. You have a great team!"
Thank you, Lori and Shelby, for full-filling this patient's last wish! You are an exceptional representation of Nursing at Michigan and the Michigan Difference!