Sheryl Remme
May 2020
Sanford Medical Center Luverne
Sioux Falls
United States




This message is in regard to my brother D who has been a patient many times in the past 6 months in the Sanford Luverne ER and the Sanford Luverne Hospital and Clinic.
We cannot say enough good things about the doctors and nurses who cared for D. We must, however, mention one particular RN, Sheryl Remme. What she did over and above her regular work to help us out and how she did it was amazing. It was suggested that after a week's stay D should be thinking about a different place to move to for some long term care. We mentioned a couple of places to him but he just could not or maybe would not let us know of his choice. And then this morning came when Nurse Sheryl walked into his room! I quietly told her that we had been visiting with D about a location change and he just could not help us out and make up his mind. She very calmly walked to his bedside and told him that I had visited with her about a move. She told him about some different possibilities and that the hospital would help with making the moving arrangements to whatever place he would choose. She also told him that it should not have to be our decision alone as he was capable to add to the discussion. She told him that she had time to answer any questions that he might have and if she did not know the answer, she would find it for him. He told her he did not know what would be the best. And she so kindly assured him that we do not need the answer right now, but to think about it and let us know. She went about her work with D as usual. Then about 7-10 minutes later he said, "I think I will go to the Cottage but don't say Hospice Cottage, just say Cottage." She so gently rubbed his arm and thanked him for helping with such a difficult decision.
Throughout these entire conversations Sheryl's voice was so soft, her attitude so sincere, and her patience so unbelievable, and yet she was able to add a bit of humor that D so enjoyed. We could not have been given that answer without the assistance of RN Sheryl Remme!! And we will forever be grateful and remember her kindness.
I am sorry to say that D died from pancreatic cancer shortly after at the "Cottage".