Solange Rojas Astudillo
December 2019
Rojas Astudillo
Red de Salud UC CHRISTUS
Santiago de Chile




My baby was six weeks old and I had never held her. The midwife looked at me from afar as I watched a dad with his son in his arms. She approached me and asked if I wanted to hold my baby. She asked the nurse who was in charge of my baby (Solange) and she gave me my baby for almost two hours!
I began to cry from the excitement of having him in my arms for the first time, she stroked my back and told me to enjoy the moment and that I didn't need to worry about the monitor, that she would be watching and that if I needed help I could call her.
I will never forget that moment, it made me immensely happy in the whole situation I am living, the day made it perfect for me. I have never had to take care of my baby but every time we see each other I feel the love from her.