August 2023
Methodist Mansfield Medical Center
United States




Spencer is a cheerleader on the unit for his patients.

Spencer has been a shining light in the ICU since he was hired as a July resident. This is evidenced by his upmost professionalism and strong passion for taking care of his patients and families. Being a new ICU nurse, he was faced with many challenges, new ways of thinking, and a steep learning curve. Amidst the storm, he was receptive of feedback and pushed himself to train on our advanced care modalities, such as CRRT.

Quite frequently when doing nurse leader rounding, patients and families continue to take the time to share how amazing, “one of a kind,” and compassionate Spencer was. Spencer is a cheerleader on the unit for his patients, coworkers, and fellow resident cohort. I can’t wait to see what the future holds in Spencer’s nursing career.