Stacey Quach
May 2022
Birth Center
Tacoma General Hospital
United States




Stacey put together keepsakes to take home for us to remember our daughter.
I presented to L&D for a scheduled induction on Sunday for fetal demise at 18 weeks 6 days. Upon checking in my first nurse of the evening introduced herself. All that I remember, she was a traveling nurse from New York. She was very polite. She got my IV and labs started for the evening. Then shift change came and my new nurse was Stacey. She came in at start of her shift, she introduced herself and gave me information on what I can expect based off where I was at with my induction process. Then proceeded to provide me with information on what to expect regarding induction medications, expected symptoms to develop once meds start working, and options to help with labor pain. The information that was provided was very informative which helped me through the process. I have delivered 2 kids previously 1-2 weeks early via c section, so I have never labored nor delivered vaginally. So, this whole process was new to me, and this information helped me out tremendously.

Stacey checked on me frequently, asking normal routine questions and taking vital signs (which I know is routine). Always asking if there was anything else that she could do for me or my husband with every encounter. Then contractions started and the laboring process was moving along. I started developing some symptoms that I was unfamiliar with, and it definitely worried me. So, I had asked Stacey about it and she was able to provide me with a response whether it was her answering my question or her response being, "let me check with your Doctor and I will get back to you on that." Which in the times that she had to ask the doctor, I always got an answer back from her. To me that means everything. That shows me that she cares and is trying to make every effort to help me through this process. To this point of my stay, I felt that I had not only my husband supporting me, but I also had Stacey on my team.

My contractions were getting stronger and more frequent; then delivery time came. With just me and my husband in the room, I delivered my beautiful baby girl sleeping. At the time of delivery, I did not honestly know if it was my baby or something else, until my husband grabbed Stacey and she came in to evaluate the situation. Then in turn she grabbed the doctors to finish up the delivery process. After the doctors did their job, they asked me if I wanted to hold my baby girl, at the time, mentally I was just not ready, so I said "N.o. Stacey then stated, "Just let me know when you are ready and I will give her to you; you can take all the time you need." When I went in for my induction, I knew why I was there. I thought that I had prepared myself enough mentally for this delivery. But when the time came, I was just so heartbroken to know that I had lost my baby and I just cried. The doctors stepped out and Stacey continued on with her duties on caring for me.

As she got me cleaned up and completed what she needed to do, she had asked me again, if I wanted to see my daughter. By that point, I was glad that she asked, because I was then kind of ready. She placed my daughter in two beautiful blankets, as she got closer to present her to me, the tears became more intense. Stacey paused where she was and asked me if I was ok and double-checked and if I still wanted to see her. Although my heart was ripped in pieces, I still wanted to see her. Stacey gently handed my baby to me and said, "She is beautiful." This just melted my heart. Stacey put together keepsakes to take home for us to remember our daughter. When doing hand and footprints, she asked if we wanted to participate. Stacey continued to involve us in all that she was doing that related to making memories with our daughter and that meant the world to me.

Although our baby girl is not here on Earth with us, she is always in our hearts and memory. At this point we are now nearing the end of her shift and I'm closed to being discharged. Stacey comes back into my room the let me know that her shift was over. She gave us her condolences for our loss and wished us all the best. I have never had a nurse or any hospital staff come into my hospital room to say anything to us after their shift wishing us the best. The loss of our daughter was totally devastating for us and our children. But honestly If it was not for Stacey, I don't know that I would have made it through my delivery and hospital stay. Stacey was a great listener, kind, caring, and compassionate in everything she said and did for us. She honestly showed and proved how much she cares. I feel that she puts her heart into not only her job but also in the care that she provides her patients. I do hope that if God blesses me with another child, that I have another Stacey to be on my team for delivery. Tacoma General is definitely blessed to have a wonderful RN like Stacey on staff.