Stacy Dillard
January 2022
Staff coordinator/ house supervisor
CGH Medical Center
United States




She brings calm to the storm, which is appreciated more than you know. 
I’d like to nominate Stacy Dillard for the DAISY Award. She has provided outstanding poise and leadership; during an extremely challenging time. People don’t realize how difficult the role of Shift Coordinator after hours and on weekends can be and how shifts can fluctuate. They are responsible for so many things and wear so many hats. Stacey wears all of them stylishly well and with great autonomy. I’m not sure what else to say to articulate how her constant leadership is deserving of this recognition. I took her phone call at 0400 on Saturday morning. In true style, she gave her everything to the staff, the patients, and the family. 

CNO: I wanted to take a moment and express my heartfelt gratitude for the valiant collective efforts put forth by staff that cared for Lt. Firefighter (name excluded). When I arrived at CGH right behind my crew, I witnessed the teamwork displayed, and it left no doubt in my mind that everyone present was committed and driven in providing the best care possible. I can still hear several staff members cheering him on as resuscitation efforts continued. Although we always want to see a different outcome, some factors we cannot change even with our best efforts. If you work in this profession, you, unfortunately, need to come to this hard realization. What makes it hard is it contradicts what we train for, skill sets we honed, or the lifesaving equipment at our disposal that should fix everything. When the decision was made to stop resuscitation, all those present switched gears and knew they were in a support role for his fellow responders and family. Housekeeping was quick to clean the room, and the staff was able to prep the room and do everything possible to minimize the visual trauma. The team had glasses of ice water set up on the counter and were accommodating as his brothers filtered in from the scene. Thank you for all your efforts. I would also like to thank Stacy Dillard for her leadership that morning. She brings calm to the storm, which is appreciated more than you know.