Stacy Hancock
September 2023
Studer Family Children's Hospital
United States




She looked my husband in the eye and told him that she’s been doing this for 25 years and that she is going to give him the best of her.
Our 7 year old son was sent by helicopter to Pensacola Sacred Heart to be treated for TBI, fractured skull, and bleeding of the brain due to a car accident. After being stabilized in the ER he was transferred up to the PICU where we met this nurse. My husband was the first to meet her, and he called to tell me about the amazing nurse our son had. At that point, we hadn’t seen her care for our son yet but she looked my husband in the eye and told him that she’s been doing this for 25 years and that she is going to give him the best of her.

Over the next 3 days we got to watch her follow through on that promise. Her confidence took my husband from a dark place to a place of hope. We know the Lord is in control, and we were pressing into our faith, but the Lord used this nurse in a big way to strengthen our faith. We know it was no coincidence that Stacy’s 3-day shift aligned with our son’s 3-day stay in the PICU. It was a blessing to watch her acutely care for our son when we felt helpless when she would talk to our son, she had the most gentle tone of voice, and when he vomited multiple times she selflessly cleaned him up and made sure he was comfortable. When his numbers would spike, she would immediately come to his side and quickly figure it out.

One night she was ending her shift and had given the next nurse all the details, when his numbers started to spike. She immediately got to work, spending the next 15 minutes getting his numbers down. WE have no doubt that our son’s outcome was a miracle, but we also believe that this nurse played a role in saving our son's life. Thank you for selflessly loving and caring for our son. We think of you often, and we pray blessings over you- you are a true angel.